The purpose of this post is to show how I am used to configuring my development environment when I need to create a React App based on a Node Backend which is simultaneously an API and a Web Server. The problematic is to be able to automatically refresh my React App without having to rebuild this one and restart the backend manually during the development phase. If I update a file, I want the code to be recompiled without having to run the full build and to refresh my browser.
[Read More]React - Jenkins Wallboard (2/2)
Simple React Wallboard for Jenkins engined by a Node Server
Following the previous post on the Jenkins Wallboard, this one finally describes how to create our React client.
[Read More]React - Jenkins Wallboard (1/2)
Simple React Wallboard for Jenkins engined by a Node Server
A long time ago, for supervision purpose, I needed to display some real time KPIs retrieved from our Jenkins IC Platform on a large screen in our team’s open-space.
After several weeks of research, I didn’t find a suitable solution (wallboard or radiator plugins or apps). So I decided to code my own tool.
This project shows how I did it with React, Node and the Jenkins Json API.